Now Live!!! Live!!!

Right there we are, laziness concluded and finally started the blog I promised to weeks ago.
Escaped the Coast Hotel in Bellevue at last, moved into our deluxe accomodation yesterday. Pleasantly large actually, 1,000 square foot of newly carpeted, white walled splendour... with a tv that has no cable connection or remote control, no broadband or internet access of any kind, no phone line, and last but not least the creature gollum had to sleep on a mattress on the floor because they didnt deliver his bed. More than he deserves if you ask me! I'm alright.. I demanded full facilities!
Weather is absolutely wonderful, very hot, very sunny, numerous opportunities to see huge mountains, lakes etc. No doubt there'll be numerous postings of photos of hilarious goings on. Or alternatively of two over-worked depressed people on the verge of a nervous breakdown, or alcohol posioning from excessive amounts of red wine.
Anyway, things we've learned so far;
1. American drivers are too polite. Have to start ramming people and shouting soon.
2. It all works far far too well. Feeling the need to do something anarchic to mess the system up a bit
3. Never switch the resolution of a mac mini below 800x600 when your only display is a rather rubbish TV without a remote control
4. Safeway supermarkets are dreadful. Use QFC.
5. American stand up comedians aren't.
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