You'll rue the day you mess with our water supply..... go on, start ruing!
Frequent readers of our complaints here, well mine, will know that the people here dont stop with maintenance.. there's always somebody outside either trimming hedges, wattering lawns, cleaning up, making sure grass is at regulation heights, delousing the trees, whistling down chimneys, nailing things to frisbees and flinging them over rainbows and so on and so forth. These guys are worse than those Doozer things from Fraggle Rock. You remember, the little green dudes who endless built those clear plastic scaffolding structures? It's always something. And they always need to make so much noise... for
some reason it takes a petrol driven four stroke engine to power a tiny tiny leaf blower.. or a hedge trimmer, or a strimmer, or a hose pipe.. anything which produces noise.
Earlier this morning the doozers managed to do something unpleasant to the neighbourhood water supply, leaving us living like urchins on the streets of calcutta without showers or anything. Thankfully we've not had to go on campus to day but Jack the beanstalk is beginning to smell a bit.. distinct almond aroma's are wafting from the other side of the table, I think he's beginning to rot. I would opt for the garbage disposal machine but there's now water to wash him away with, and if there was water he could just have a shower and avoid the need for death. Though death would be unpleasant.
We've decided that in the spirit of the deep south we'll endure another few hours without services and then start pillaging our neighbours for bottled water.. good old fashioned social breakdown after only a few hours. Speaking of which im coming to the conclusion that if there is a god, vengeful and powerful as he may possibly be, the city of New Orleans must have done something really dreadful. The place is now on fire... the only bit that didnt flood is burning, it's like Gamhorra all over again, and I didnt think it was that sinful a place... thought Las Vegas would have gone through the whole wrath of god thing before them. I think it'll get a bit obvious if that hurricane forming over bermuda starts heading in that general direction... those guys must have done something utterly awful down there. Hurricane.. floods, riots, pillaging, explosions and now fires in the old bits of the city. it's all a bit biblical down there.. if they werent god fearing christians before hand they should be by now.
Maybe it's a smiting thing, hence the attack on this dreadful neighbourhood by depriving us of water. I suspect it'll be back on eventually, there's a small army of doozers outside now but they're not making any noise so that probably means they're not working. I'm sure they'll have a wrench powered by a V8 or something unncessary.
Maybe I could smite them and see if they work harder. Smiting with a frying pan isnt likely to spread fear and terror among the masses.
My name is Lee, I want a shower, and there'll be some good old testament rending unless I get one.

Earlier this morning the doozers managed to do something unpleasant to the neighbourhood water supply, leaving us living like urchins on the streets of calcutta without showers or anything. Thankfully we've not had to go on campus to day but Jack the beanstalk is beginning to smell a bit.. distinct almond aroma's are wafting from the other side of the table, I think he's beginning to rot. I would opt for the garbage disposal machine but there's now water to wash him away with, and if there was water he could just have a shower and avoid the need for death. Though death would be unpleasant.
We've decided that in the spirit of the deep south we'll endure another few hours without services and then start pillaging our neighbours for bottled water.. good old fashioned social breakdown after only a few hours. Speaking of which im coming to the conclusion that if there is a god, vengeful and powerful as he may possibly be, the city of New Orleans must have done something really dreadful. The place is now on fire... the only bit that didnt flood is burning, it's like Gamhorra all over again, and I didnt think it was that sinful a place... thought Las Vegas would have gone through the whole wrath of god thing before them. I think it'll get a bit obvious if that hurricane forming over bermuda starts heading in that general direction... those guys must have done something utterly awful down there. Hurricane.. floods, riots, pillaging, explosions and now fires in the old bits of the city. it's all a bit biblical down there.. if they werent god fearing christians before hand they should be by now.
Maybe it's a smiting thing, hence the attack on this dreadful neighbourhood by depriving us of water. I suspect it'll be back on eventually, there's a small army of doozers outside now but they're not making any noise so that probably means they're not working. I'm sure they'll have a wrench powered by a V8 or something unncessary.
Maybe I could smite them and see if they work harder. Smiting with a frying pan isnt likely to spread fear and terror among the masses.
My name is Lee, I want a shower, and there'll be some good old testament rending unless I get one.
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