TV Show Idea #2
Number 1 was "eggs factor" by the way..
What about a proper British version of "Crime Scene Investigation : Las Vegas"? Something which epitomises the British people and the scale of crime on our fair isle? "Library Fraud Investigation : Droitwich". A thrilling edge of the seat drama in which Detective Inspector Ronald McMadeupname (John Nettles, Bergerac) works with his crack team of book stampers (comprising Charles Kennedy, leader of the Lib-Dems, Abi Titmus and Hamburglar) to identify the causes of missing and unreturned library books. Lots of those zoomy moody music scenes where people investigate things, only whereas in CSI they operate complicated graphical displays on computers, perform interesting chemical experiments and autopsies, in LFI they just go through ledgers, operate ancient green screen displays, and make cups of tea?
Library Fraud Investigation : Droitwich "will they solve the late books pile in time...." gripping drama!
Sure fire hit.. and if it wasnt going anywhere or getting boring you just get Abi Titmus to laugh and show off her cleavage, stick her in Burberry and you've instantly got 50% of the UK's population ages 13-19. Could also lead to our unemployed chav's going and hanging around in libraries and (godforbid) learning something and getting jobs... instead of having poor working gits like me funding their dreadful collections of designer clothing with their f*cking unemployment benefits.. sorry.. bit of a nerve there.
Must go have a bit of rest. Calm thoughts... calm thoughts...
What about a proper British version of "Crime Scene Investigation : Las Vegas"? Something which epitomises the British people and the scale of crime on our fair isle? "Library Fraud Investigation : Droitwich". A thrilling edge of the seat drama in which Detective Inspector Ronald McMadeupname (John Nettles, Bergerac) works with his crack team of book stampers (comprising Charles Kennedy, leader of the Lib-Dems, Abi Titmus and Hamburglar) to identify the causes of missing and unreturned library books. Lots of those zoomy moody music scenes where people investigate things, only whereas in CSI they operate complicated graphical displays on computers, perform interesting chemical experiments and autopsies, in LFI they just go through ledgers, operate ancient green screen displays, and make cups of tea?

Sure fire hit.. and if it wasnt going anywhere or getting boring you just get Abi Titmus to laugh and show off her cleavage, stick her in Burberry and you've instantly got 50% of the UK's population ages 13-19. Could also lead to our unemployed chav's going and hanging around in libraries and (godforbid) learning something and getting jobs... instead of having poor working gits like me funding their dreadful collections of designer clothing with their f*cking unemployment benefits.. sorry.. bit of a nerve there.
Must go have a bit of rest. Calm thoughts... calm thoughts...
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