American Libraries? Magnetic North for lunatics...

Due to lack of internet access in the the palace of righteous justice (2 bedroom flat in Redmond) we've resorted to working from Redmond Library, which has decent internet access, and up until now has been pretty quiet.
We (well, Neil) seems to have developed this amazing talent of attracting total nutters... we've been joined out our table by a humming person (right) who so far has taken nearly 30 minutes to read ONE page of the Wall Street Journal. We've been acosted by a very old person (who we previously thought were banned in Seattle) who decided that Neil was concentrating too hard (stench of burning rubber and noisy cogs were a dead give away) and took pity with what I suppose he thought was a pleasant remark.
Public Libraries.... the USA's answer to "the nutter on the bus" who always sits next to you.
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