Work! Work Peasants!!
... is the general message coming from the UK at the moment. I now find myself with 36 deliverables requiring completion by September 19th, various white papers and marketing
nonsense. Not keen on the fact I have to do them *all*. I'm turning into some kind of Bob Cratchit, chained to my desk with a manky steam powered laptop and only a small cande for illumination. Occaisionally thunderpants brings me coffee, which is nice. My experiment in posioning him with yet more caffeine doesnt seem to be working.. he wont drink anything I give him. Will have to start breaking up vivarin in his food.
In some kind of cruel gesture the sun and the warm weather is back. Just when I have no chance of being out in it. Still, we're taking Friday (tomorrow) off to go cruising in the Mustang through Belltown and sample some of the bars and Seattle's nightlife...... if that kid screams ONE more time I will go and kill it.. with a spoon, a very blunt small spoon....... then we've got a weekend of working, and Monday night at the Preseason football game Seattle Seahawks versus Dallas Cowboys.
Lovely friend Kristy as promised to teach me the rules to the game, which im grateful for as it all looks terribly confusing from the tv matches.. and im resisting calling it Rugby with padding.. im sure it's just as brutal... and to the Americans it's like religion.. so I need enunciating into the church of football. As long as I dont have to buy a cheap wig, a terrible shiny suit, become sweaty and stand on a stage talking about Jeeeeeeee-sus. Nothing wrong with religion, just evangeslists.. there will, no doubt, be a posting on those soap dodging lunatics later on... they get FIVE channels all to themselves!!
Right, back to the desk and the candle before there's wailing and gnashing of teeth.

In some kind of cruel gesture the sun and the warm weather is back. Just when I have no chance of being out in it. Still, we're taking Friday (tomorrow) off to go cruising in the Mustang through Belltown and sample some of the bars and Seattle's nightlife...... if that kid screams ONE more time I will go and kill it.. with a spoon, a very blunt small spoon....... then we've got a weekend of working, and Monday night at the Preseason football game Seattle Seahawks versus Dallas Cowboys.
Lovely friend Kristy as promised to teach me the rules to the game, which im grateful for as it all looks terribly confusing from the tv matches.. and im resisting calling it Rugby with padding.. im sure it's just as brutal... and to the Americans it's like religion.. so I need enunciating into the church of football. As long as I dont have to buy a cheap wig, a terrible shiny suit, become sweaty and stand on a stage talking about Jeeeeeeee-sus. Nothing wrong with religion, just evangeslists.. there will, no doubt, be a posting on those soap dodging lunatics later on... they get FIVE channels all to themselves!!
Right, back to the desk and the candle before there's wailing and gnashing of teeth.
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