Blissed out...
It's been a long day.
Saturday mornings are usually a rarity for me, I'm either sleeping through it or get up to explore somewhere. I was up at 9:30 this morning for neither of those reasons - I simply have too much work to do! My girlie is now away in Cyprus taking a VERY much needed break, and no she's not abandoning me or sending me signals so those of you who just raised an eyebrow you can lower it again! And yes I was asked if I wanted to go along.
Had to go and get cat food for this morning so decided to just do a quick "in-out" at the nearest supermarket, which is now a Morrisons. I've spent FAR too much time in the USA. My supermarket experience was awful. It was packed with dodderers, old people and simpletons who have no spacial awareness or recognition of events around them. It's like something from dawn of the dead, they shamble up and down the aisles wheeling trollies filled with whatever it is vagrants and peasants need from supermarkets (packets of rizla, pork scratchings and the like I'm sure), and all the time their mouths gaping open like fish gasping for air. When they hear the slightly angry "Excuse me" from behind them they look at you as if you have no right to be there. Miserable wretches the lot of them. When I finally got to the check out the obesse acne ridden 17yr old was having a conversation with her friend sitting on the check-out behind her. Apparantly me needing to pay for my goods and leave was of lower priority than hearing what "sondra did to gaz last night". Then she got in a huff when I asked if I could get served. And a meagre handful of items came to £15. Why does it cost so much??!

Excuse me mate? Where can I find the tea bags?
So, reading that you might wonder why the title is "blissed out", sounds quite relaxed doesnt it? Well.. I've taken my porsche for a spin, got all my work out the way, I've just had a lovely relaxing bath with a good book and a bottle of corona extra, I've got SomaFM playing me lovely mellow tunes from the Beat Blender, and now I'm about to cook myself something interesting with pasta involved, open a bottle of wine to myself (and a good one at that.. Penfold's Thomas Hyland 2002 Chardonnay, I usually hate Chardonnay but I know from experience it's good), and I've got a couple of films I've not seen yet. I intend to forget for an evening that I'm in the UK and of the all the horrors that brings.
I think I shall have to seriously consider the plot of land I saw for sale on Bainbridge Island, and consider moving with or without the assistance of my employer. So, I refuse to be stressed right now. Off to kick back and relax.
You are a loose lilly drifing on a sea of calm, relax and float free once in a while.. ahhhhh
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