Monday, October 10, 2005

Some Velvet Morning...

Hazy crazy morning. First conference call at 6am which I decided to do from the comfort of my bed, as you do when you have to talk to multi-billion dollar customer account teams. Well I figured it was so early, so what the hell.

It's all hazy and foggy this morning, clouds are really really low and black, makes the 'fall' colours look interesting. Speaking of which, why is the USA so different with it's Autumn. We've got pretty much similar foliage back in the UK but ours doesnt bother with anything like these colours. Back home we have browns, oranges, some light greens etc. The tree outside my window here is going a shocking fire red, there's a big dark red bush further out, and in the middle of the parking area there's a bright orange tree.. it's all very surreal. Oh and it's raining. Looks pretty though because bits of the clouds are orange with the sunrise (it's damn early!)

So after my conference call there's been the usual following up of emails.. the grim horror and sense of doom I have everytime I open up Outlook to see who's messaging.. my rollercoaster of facial expressions starting with my big grin from reading from my girlfriend, to the sense of futile despair when I read that 90% of people who have "manager" in their job title have an inability to fill forms in properly. My job title has just changed to include the word "manager"... oh dear.

Give it six months and I'll be a gibbering beaurocratic wreck... if any of you are humming the "Steptoe & Son" theme tune now stop it..


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