Tuesday, December 06, 2005


and with full force today...

This morning I was so late getting up I decided to work from home - it appears the charger for my useless mobile phone gave up the ghost at some stage during the night, leaving phone with flat battery and thus unable to wake me with alarms this morning.

So, I woke up at 9:30, and considering how long it takes me to go from trogolodite to presentable captain of industry there wasnt much chance of me making it into the office. So decided to "work from bed".

Reached over, grabbed laptop, fired it up only to have its battery go from full to nothing in 20 minutes flat. Arse.

So had to get up and bumble around for a bit, made myself half decent, staggered out to the car, drove to work. On the roundabout outside the offices I got carved up by some stupid old woman in a Seat Ibiza, which caused me to veer right quite fiercely. Unfortunately fiercely enough to clip the edge of the roundabout. Luckily all I can see is a tiny scratch on the alloy which should buff out with Autoglym wheel restorer... I'll probably have discarded a weight in the process..

So off to a great start. I'm starting to feel increasingly like my bosses "assistant", rather than the company's new Global Solutions Manager which is my official role... all I get is hand down stuff to do, and then when I use some initiative and start pursuing what I've decided is the right thing to do.. all I get is "mate.. you need to learn company culture" and I get this big conversation about being a wet behind the ears happy go lucky scamp.


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