Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tuesday's explained...

As a note of courtesy to a few friends, well, pretty much just one at the moment.. I have decided to repost the reason for my hatred of Tuesdays.. on a Tuesday, whilst bad things are still happening.

Many years ago I began realising a pattern with my life in general, that every week, or at least most weeks, bad things would happen to me... on Tuesdays. It's not that I'm an especially unlucky person (though sometimes it does feel that way), it's just that everything bad seems to have occured on the same day of the week. It would be interesting if there was some kind of statistical study to show if this is true for others or not, other people around me have begun to experience "Tuesdays" after knowing me for some time, so I'm possibly contagious.

So, you're probably sitting there thinking "Pah, you grumbling simpleton, bad things just happen, it's nothing to do with days of the week". Well, I do have a short list which has pretty much landed me here:

1. I've lost people close to me (on tuesdays)
2. Over the years I've been consecutively dumped by 3 girls including one which broke my heart, on tuesdays
3. Of the 3 car accidents I've had in my life, *all* of them happened on a Tuesday
4. My visa debacle about getting to the USA, and the day I learned it wasn't resolved and got flung back, was on a tuesday.
5. I made some very silly mistakes in relationships on Tuesdays
6. If you read back through my blog, you'll find all manner of travel disasters, and episodes that occured on a Tuesday.
7. Today possibly holds inconceivable disaster for me, and it is, of course, a tuesday.
8. Lastly, I was born on a Tuesday.

So, you might still be thinking "Fool!!", but as far as I'm concerned there's too many things now and a pattern has been established.

So to explain where we're at. My long standing boss whom I respect and have thought of as both a friend and mentor over the years has moved on to a different position within my employer, and after a company restructure I find myself integrated and combined with a new group. This of course raises the question about whether my assignment in Seattle is being extended until it's planned point of December 2008. At the moment I feel like my whole life is hanging in the balance again, at the whim of my employer deciding if I bring value to the company, and more importantly if that value requires me to be present in the United States. Thank fully I have the support of some fantastic people, my new line manager joined us in January and has been fantastic in coaching and providing clarity (not to mention calming me down), also my colleagues at Microsoft have been incredibly supportive. The unknown factor is the new owner of the division, who is yet to pass an opinion in either direction, but today he will meet with Microsoft, my line managers and other representatives of the company and almost certainly my assignment is being raised into question.

Those who know me, know that I am not a patient man, and despite no real bad experiences I have some general issues with the concept of leaving things in the trust of others. My amazingly supportive and, well just frankly wonderful girlfriend has been beyond rock in this.. we're talking immovable object here. She's supported me and kept me at least sane enough to be able to carry on working whilst we await the decision that could alter both of our lives for good. It's very scary! Well, she keeps telling me this could be a good exercise, it's all meant for a reason and that maybe I should start putting faith in others.

Sorry to go all sombre on you folks but, letting go and leaving others to things is very hard for me!

Today, they're all in meetings together, not reviewing specifically this but the business in general, and of course likely I will come up in conversation, either during the meetings or over dinner. I can only cross everything and hang on to my chair! Oh and today is off to a typical start, I got up at 5:40am to get ready for a 6am presentation which nobody turned up to. and I've got the whole day ahead to look forward to!


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