Last night saw the proverbial notching of another conquest on the bed post that is sport, as we finally got our limey arses down to a football game. Apparantly Monday night football is a big deal, but this was a preseason game and doesnt actually count for anything so we were told not to expect the earth. Upon arrival we were told to go to the peasants entrance and collect our tickets (disgraceful, dont they know we're British?). Despite the fact our seats looked good, the coffee was not.. and the boy blunder's hot dog set him back a whopping $6. Off to a good start as we watched local
heroes the
Seattle Seahawks line up against girly light green pants wearing
Dallas Cowboys. Unfortunately the football was dreadful.. both sides appeared to either have greased hands or alternatively in a hilarious twist to boost excitement the ball may have been heated up to a couple of hundred degrees. Either way, it was a woeful show of talent. I would say that the Cowboys won fair and square but I had no idea what the rules were.. why everyone kept stopping, and what all the various penalties being doled out by the Seahawks hating Referees meant. Confusing game, very very annoying and all that stopping.. I'm sure I'd have enjoyed it more if I knew the rules (Kristy, if you're reading this I need those lessons!!).

The game warmed up towards the end, but the 'hawks still lost 18-10 to the Cowboys. Not because the Cowboys were the better team, but mainly because they were less inept and rubbish as the Seahawks performance. One massive saving grace was the entertainment provided by the
Sea Gals providing jiggling and dancing throughout. So when the game got to confusing and boring (all that stopping!!!) you can always phase out and watch them, as we often did.
Annoying as this was my first taste of Football over here, but im assured it's better when the game counts for something and doesnt involve a load of inept rookies missing passes or running into each other. Plus the fact I have no idea whats going on most of the time (so the rookies might actually have been good!).

So, I'm prepared to give it another shot and try and get us tickets to watch the Cardinals match on the 25th September, providing im back from the UK then.
I should add as well that Qwest Field is a fantastic stadium, big, and with a great view of the city behind it.
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