Headaches with Pictures!

Yes, it's that time of the month when I'm required to have "ideas"... you know, headaches with pictures. They've charged me with coming up with a new and shiny generic process by which everybody in the company will have ideas. My earlier suggestion of "fire them, add their salaries to my own, and I'll have the ideas for them" didnt go down too well, and somebody pointed out I dont know much about Cisco... I dont know much about lots of things but that doesnt stop me from approaching everything with bloody minded arrogance now does it?
Still.. playing with crayons for the better part of a morning is always fun. Just a shame I have to write a huge proposal this afternoon. But at least I get a pub break at lunch, one of my colleagues has been promoted up through the ranks of Project manager so a minor celebration is in order. Should be fun, hob-nobbing with new people I dont know and fighting off efforts of people to conduct match-making on me after the change in situation.
Also, I must have slept funny because my neck is killing me - my person sitter was good with the whole heat then ice, then stretching thing last night and it worked off the pain yesterday, but it's back again today. Limited motor functions! I'm broken!
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