February 14th - Victory over Common Sense Day

Scorn is on full at the moment. I'm able to roast small children gently just by being near them. Romance. Bleurgh. Like christmas and easter this has detiorated into pure commercial hell. At christmas people buy things because it's got tinsel on and it's on sale.. or sparkly wrapping paper. Kind of like magpies. "ohhh shiny.. must buy it...". People seem to do the same thing for Valentines, only with pastel shades and fluffy stuff. If it's pink, fluffy or red and rose shaped, buy it.
Well I hate you all.
Why cant there be a St. Unpleasant day? Where we can have some tasteful colours and buy each other potentially dangerous things? Black leaking batteries for example? And it should be common place to sit at the side of the road and hurl sparkplugs at young couples holding hands. Much more fun. Colours would be black and silver.
Actually in addition to St. Unpleasant day, why not "you're dumped day?", a day of the year where instead of asking somebody out or proposing you actually have to tell the truth.. like "it's not working out", or "i'm bored with you i'd like to see somebody else?". You could be horribly brutal about it but because everyone across the world would be on tenderhooks waiting for their cards it'd work... in fact for those still pre-disposed to do the romance thing you could do a surprise "you're NOT dumped........... this year" card! Genius.
Make it May 23rd (my birthday) in honour of my scorn! Actually... World Scorn Day!
I'm off to beat up a vagrant.
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