Ding Dong the pc's dead!
Useless b*stard fecking device.
This afternoon, after using my PC all day working from home, I installed some tools for my phone, which required a restart. Upon restarting my PC decided to arrive back at the windows prompt, and immediately reboot. Useful. So i powered the thing off completely, only to have my tempremental demonic hard drive refuse to spin back up again. I've toilled for hours this evening over this thing. The problem started at about 6pm, it's now 12:42am and I really cant cope anymore.
Presently, when booting in safemode we see that as soon as the PC hits MUP.sys it immediately hangs. If allowed to try and reach windows, it reboots immediately. Furtling round on the internet revealed I've stumbled on the mother of all failures. Now I've been through everything suggested on various forums, from resetting the CMOS to swearing a lot at it and calling it names. To top it all off it's forgotten what a USB keyboard is as well, so now I cant even get to the BIOS setup screen! Tomorrow afternoon (I have to be in the office in the morning). I will be attempting to install a second copy of XP over the top of the last one, in the hope that at least that will work. It's the only way I can get data off it!
If none of that works I'll be drawing chalk pentagrams and cutting virgins heads off in a move of blind optimism and desperation to fix the problem. My PC is currently about as much use as an original Royal typewriter. Actually scratch that, the Royal is better, you can still write letters on it, and it doesnt make whirring noises when it's not being used.
I actually have a theory that it's somehow found out it's getting replaced in february. Although that plan may now be shafted because my dad was going to have this PC. Bugger.
Why me? I mean what did I do to deserve spontaneous PC death. Oh wait a second.. aaahhhaaaa............
.... First Tuesday of 2006!!
They're bloody after me.. this is some kind of opening gesture "Ha! 2006 and you're still going to have to put up with Tuesdays!"
That's it im inventing a new calendar. Tuesday is abolished in it's place we'll have umm..
Bogday? Jamday? Certainlynotasbadastuesdayday? Notday (actually that's technically night).. have to give that one some thought,

This afternoon, after using my PC all day working from home, I installed some tools for my phone, which required a restart. Upon restarting my PC decided to arrive back at the windows prompt, and immediately reboot. Useful. So i powered the thing off completely, only to have my tempremental demonic hard drive refuse to spin back up again. I've toilled for hours this evening over this thing. The problem started at about 6pm, it's now 12:42am and I really cant cope anymore.
Presently, when booting in safemode we see that as soon as the PC hits MUP.sys it immediately hangs. If allowed to try and reach windows, it reboots immediately. Furtling round on the internet revealed I've stumbled on the mother of all failures. Now I've been through everything suggested on various forums, from resetting the CMOS to swearing a lot at it and calling it names. To top it all off it's forgotten what a USB keyboard is as well, so now I cant even get to the BIOS setup screen! Tomorrow afternoon (I have to be in the office in the morning). I will be attempting to install a second copy of XP over the top of the last one, in the hope that at least that will work. It's the only way I can get data off it!
If none of that works I'll be drawing chalk pentagrams and cutting virgins heads off in a move of blind optimism and desperation to fix the problem. My PC is currently about as much use as an original Royal typewriter. Actually scratch that, the Royal is better, you can still write letters on it, and it doesnt make whirring noises when it's not being used.
I actually have a theory that it's somehow found out it's getting replaced in february. Although that plan may now be shafted because my dad was going to have this PC. Bugger.
Why me? I mean what did I do to deserve spontaneous PC death. Oh wait a second.. aaahhhaaaa............
.... First Tuesday of 2006!!
They're bloody after me.. this is some kind of opening gesture "Ha! 2006 and you're still going to have to put up with Tuesdays!"
That's it im inventing a new calendar. Tuesday is abolished in it's place we'll have umm..
Bogday? Jamday? Certainlynotasbadastuesdayday? Notday (actually that's technically night).. have to give that one some thought,
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