Lazy B*stard film directors, and bloody cold weather.
Wow what a weekend. Busy busy busy. Friday night went to see King Kong with Nita. Took ages to get parked at the city centre, think I'll be doing the taxi thing a fair amount I think! Then we couldnt find anywhere to eat and ended up eating a tiny tiny pizza in part of Oceana, a really huge club.
Film was alright.. very average, raised an eyebrow through most of it. It's another one of my "is it me or is everything new sh*t?" things. Peter Jackson has to be *the* laziest film director. A man who can create films through sheer power of laziness. Lets briefly wander into the brain of Peter Jackson.
09:00 Get up
10:00 Rape classic film/book by tarting it up with special effects. Avoid press backlash and fan hatred by turning into to a love story, or a story of extreme suffering, also dont deviate from original whatsoever.
11:00 Gloat at ability to get artistic aclaim from "copying stuff down".
What I hate even more about Peter Jackson is that his films are still enjoyable. I want to really despise him, and hate everything he comes up with because lets face it, the guy doesnt actually have ideas - he just visualises other peoples. I suppose that could be his talent, and he is a director, not a writer but still. Other directors like Spielberg, Capra, Kubrick have to take scripts and whole new ideas and get them out onto screen as something special and moving.
I challenge anybody with half a brain to see King Kong, then Crash, and tell me which film didnt have a more profound effect on them.
So about the film, Jackson followed the formula of the original film to the tee, throwing in a few extra bits now special effects are here (lazy git). But, it's still entertaining. It's just one where I wish I could just wait for DVD, but big effects flicks need to be seen on big screen (well bigger screen, my 42" plasma now looks massive in new lounge!) to be enjoyed. It's a looong way off War of the Worlds and Batman Begins as the years big films. And neither of those come close to either Sin City or Crash.
Sunday did a bit of shopping then headed up to Dunstable Downs because the weather was perfect menthol day.. minty fresh! Plus the light was just right and the sun was just dropping.

Got there just at 5pm when the sun had gone down but the sky was going through massive colour changes, oranges and ochre shades looked stunning against blue twilight skies and the little twinkling lights as villages popped into being. It's like watching the landscape giving birth to little patches of life!
Film was alright.. very average, raised an eyebrow through most of it. It's another one of my "is it me or is everything new sh*t?" things. Peter Jackson has to be *the* laziest film director. A man who can create films through sheer power of laziness. Lets briefly wander into the brain of Peter Jackson.
09:00 Get up
10:00 Rape classic film/book by tarting it up with special effects. Avoid press backlash and fan hatred by turning into to a love story, or a story of extreme suffering, also dont deviate from original whatsoever.
11:00 Gloat at ability to get artistic aclaim from "copying stuff down".
What I hate even more about Peter Jackson is that his films are still enjoyable. I want to really despise him, and hate everything he comes up with because lets face it, the guy doesnt actually have ideas - he just visualises other peoples. I suppose that could be his talent, and he is a director, not a writer but still. Other directors like Spielberg, Capra, Kubrick have to take scripts and whole new ideas and get them out onto screen as something special and moving.
I challenge anybody with half a brain to see King Kong, then Crash, and tell me which film didnt have a more profound effect on them.
So about the film, Jackson followed the formula of the original film to the tee, throwing in a few extra bits now special effects are here (lazy git). But, it's still entertaining. It's just one where I wish I could just wait for DVD, but big effects flicks need to be seen on big screen (well bigger screen, my 42" plasma now looks massive in new lounge!) to be enjoyed. It's a looong way off War of the Worlds and Batman Begins as the years big films. And neither of those come close to either Sin City or Crash.
Sunday did a bit of shopping then headed up to Dunstable Downs because the weather was perfect menthol day.. minty fresh! Plus the light was just right and the sun was just dropping.

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