Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Warning : Contents Under Pressure

I'm buckling here. Blog posting taking a significant slow down due to pressures of work, and a whole new world of pressure known as "social life".

I had the option of getting down to Tahoe this weekend for a few days of boarding, I also had the option of a corporate break to Whistler, which would have been jolly spiffing.. good snow at both though my friends down at Tahoe said they really could have done with a bigger snow dump.

But instead of these fabulous options (Tahoe was a pure cost decision though based on flight prices), I worked. A lot. Two massive functional specification documents resulting in me wheeping into my hands when I realised it was 11pm on a Saturday night, and I'm sitting in a miserable hotel room with some dreadful sitcom that isnt funny on in the background, working on this piece of rubbish for a company that hates me. Bah.

Then there's the new found social pressures... I've gone from one extreme to the other. Back in the UK I was mostly bored and trying to fill my time with anything that turned up, now I have so many social offers, engagements, activities that I'm actually having to cancel stuff and move things around. So since v-day last week (oh the horror), actually as a quick aside to that, I did cave in the end. A couple of girls out here in particular have been terribly sweet in introducing me to people and getting me all connected up socially, and when things were quiet they both made the effort to drag me out of my hotel room (like that was hard!) to go do stuff.. so small trinkets were awarded to both. Anyway, since last week I've been playing pool, hanging out in bars, going to places for dinner, corporate nights out... have to say despite the crushing killer workload and the fact that I really really want a good nights sleep, that'd be bliss!

Well, it wont be tonight, got another dinner engagement! Hopefully do something with my weekend to wind down - might head back to Rialto beach or just randomly explore a bit more of WA. Or, venture up to Crystal and go snowboarding.. hmm

Likely I'll end up with work again.


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