Friday, March 03, 2006

Yet another post...

Yep, three posts in one day.. you lucky lucky people.

I felt I had to post this though. I finally escaped the hotel for a bit and wandered over to work using the wireless hotspot over in Starbucks in Bellevue. So, had my quad latte as per, sat down.. and I think the caffeine has started properly accelerating my brain. I started work on a design & architecture document at noon... it's now almost 4pm and it's already 113 pages long *with* diagrams.... cool eh!?

So.. I've decided to see how far I can push it. Before I left starbucks I've purchased ANOTHER quad latte just to see what happens to me. 8 shots of coffee in 4 hours. Not bad. Dont think it's lethal at that level just a bit stupid. Or mad. Poor girl in starbucks said "I've only had 3 shots and look...." at which point she held out her hand which was shaking more than a small old woman being threatened by a gang of pimply faced youths with piercings. So.. I held out my own hand which unnervingly is totally lacking in any kind of shaking. I had 2 cups of coffee this morning, then the quad at lunch.. I think m'colleagues theory that im actually vibrating constantly at extremely high frequencies may be accurate.

Lets see what the second quad does!


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