Lee's brain can't be with you right now, please hold, your conversation is important to us...
So last night, I was up until very late chatting with the missus, and then I was up until very very late not being able to sleep.. which added up to a difficult start to my first "real" day in the office here. That means I'm zoning out right in the middle of meetings - fun! I'm convinced that most people I've met with have been wondering if I'm really paying attention or not.. with any luck I managed to say "mm.. yes... yes.. mmm.. aha" in all the right places so they thought I was with them at least some of the time.
I can't even resort to caffeine induced hypertension, simply because I can't bring myself to drink the coffee, furthest I've got is a capuccino. When I lived in Europe I adored the coffee here, and hated everything in the USA. Now I can't stand the stuff, it tastes weird and has some strange after flavour to it, I actually miss the burnt low quality offerings of Starbucks!

I haven't seen any water yet. I haven't really seen much of anything. My hotel is like much like the one from the Shining, completely deserted.. any morning now I'm going to walk to the elevator and find twins staring at me! Rather hilariously, in an effort to cheer me up, my girl actually looked on the internet for things to do here, and got a page back that said "no results found". Sounds about right. Everybody has said I should go to Den Haag at the weekend, but I just can't be arsed, I want sleep and a good book.
late for a meeting now.. more ranting to come.
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