Sunday, May 28, 2006

On the western front....

So I've not blogged for 3 weeks.. at least, time to goad myself into providing an update.

1. I'm still in Seattle
2. I'm not still living in the hotel in bellevue, they ran out of availability so I'm at a much better hotel in Woodinville.. god help me when the company sees the room rates though...
3. Somebody cloned my passport and got copies of my debit and credit cards, leaving me with no money and no access to money for a while. That's a very horrible experience... recovered from that slowly though.
4. My launch event for new solution was a disaster because of my mad idea to hold it in an afternoon off campus... doh!
5. I hate my job
6. umm.. I leave for San Francisco on the 10th!

Right, that's enough update for now.. back to work!

Friday, May 05, 2006

2 days isnt enough!

My taste of the traditional American two home lifestyle was very well received. Had a great relaxing 2 days off out on the coast line which was absolutely brilliant. I got lucky with the car as well, so I'm enjoying a rather nice convertible Mustang which was just perfect for the drive out there.

Mellowed out for a bit, got to do some proper cooking and wandered around on beaches.. as well as driving the mustang around on beaches which was bloody good fun.. then headed up to Rialto beach before looping around and coming home.

Gorgeous part of the world, and only 3 hours from here.. these guys dont know how lucky they are!!

Anyway, here's some lovely pictures for you all... and now I have to get some work done! Mountains of emails awaited me!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I Like cake! I'm a happy camper....

I've got 2 days off!! I'm going here!