I know i know, ages since last post and I've been catastrophically busy. But thanks to the marvels of "out of office" everybody is leaving me alone because I'm at an event in San Francisco, so I get the chance to update things, catch up with friends and so on and so forth.
So... San Francisco! I landed this afternoon after a completely uneventful two hour flight from Seattle, and my first impression of the city was "arggghh... it's bosnia". For a start my wonderfully supportive and caring employer has booked me into the "Best Western - Civic Center Motor Motel". Best in what way? When compared to being accomodated in a burning cardboard box? Perhaps a local penitentiary... to be honest the small island housing a prison in the bay (Alcatraz) likely offers better accomodation. When I checked in the Russian mafia employed chap at the front desk immediately grabbed a map and circled four whole city blocks, technically surrounding the hotel and said "You not go here at night... it not safe, bad crime". Great! Welcome to San Francisco, sorry about the air quality and the traffic, oh and by the way, if you go here you might die!
However.. I've registered for the event im here for, in what I'm assuming is "downtown", this city's financial district.. and it's very very nice. it actually reminds me of a more spacious version of London's West End, around Leicester Square, through to Pic circus and around there. They're very big on their architecture here, their artwork, and there's such a great cosmopolitan feel to the city. Tried a fantastic wine bar call Vino Venevo, which you serve yourself at.. basically the concept is you buy a glass, and then wander around the various pumps connected to bottles all evening until you cant focus on the labels anymore.. then you wander out into a cab (or down a street you shouldn't and get shot!). It's certainly taken the edge off the cess pile of a hotel.
A friend of a friend of mine moved here some years ago, and recently got married.. and I can kinda see why somebody would want to stay here. The nice parts of the city are VERY nice, less American than other places and a bit like a bigger scale version of Seattle. But it's still a bit dirty.. air quality is absolutely awful, pollusion is a major problem here. It's also not very leafy, and Seattle... I have a theory im turning into a Northwest Snob and missing the real values the place has to offer.
So, I have a full day of work eventy things tomorrow, and probably some kind of company sponsored piss up in the evening, but Thursday I dont have anything until 4pm. I contemplating one of the city tours for $44 snap away a few pics, actually get to see SF in more detail than I did from a taxi or the drive back from lush wine bar.
I've been told to aim for a terribly trendy club called Fluid which is very good.. so might try that as a late night wrekcless party thing.
And one last thing.. I had possibly the second finest cup of coffee in my entire life this afternoon from a tiny boutique coffee place, it wasnt starbucks, it wasnt part of any chain, but the coffee was absolutely stunning. I will be walking up to there before I head to the convention centre in the morning. If anybody is in SF and really really appreciates coffee, head to Korso Cafe, 114 Bryant Street. Oh and the finest cup of coffee in the world so far discovered can be found in London Heathrow Airport, in Terminal 3 at Costa. :)