So, I've been moving for the last few days all of 2 blocks, this is quite possibly one of the most awkward distances to move. Far enough that you need a truck, but not far enough to justify a proper "pack and move" day for budget purposes.
In the end we did hire a company to come and just move all our crap, managed to get most things in boxes to make the move a bit smoother, but some things are still proving awkward and now we have a new challenge.
The new place is huge compared to the last.. about 800 more square feet of hardwood floors and surrounded by windows. Nicely it's quiet, sound proofed and unlike the last palace of grim not right next to a bloody freeway, negating the purposes of the decks. I'll take some photos and blog the place as soon as the moving adventure is complete, but until then I'm slaving over boxes and the wreckage which is my study.
Today we have to move the plasma screen.. erggh.. weighs a tonne and no doubt will lead to an argument of some kind or it getting dropped... hmm... if I drop it, or cause it to be dropped, maybe I could justify a posh new Samsung LED thing.
I've been informed today I'm moving bathroom things, and yet more boxes that I'd pretended didn't exist.
I wish I didn't like expensive things.. otherwise I could live a sort of nomadic lifestyle with spartan living and few possessions, unfortunately I'm a shallow miserable creature that needs shiny baubles to remember why I work..
Back to the boxes..
In the end we did hire a company to come and just move all our crap, managed to get most things in boxes to make the move a bit smoother, but some things are still proving awkward and now we have a new challenge.
The new place is huge compared to the last.. about 800 more square feet of hardwood floors and surrounded by windows. Nicely it's quiet, sound proofed and unlike the last palace of grim not right next to a bloody freeway, negating the purposes of the decks. I'll take some photos and blog the place as soon as the moving adventure is complete, but until then I'm slaving over boxes and the wreckage which is my study.
Today we have to move the plasma screen.. erggh.. weighs a tonne and no doubt will lead to an argument of some kind or it getting dropped... hmm... if I drop it, or cause it to be dropped, maybe I could justify a posh new Samsung LED thing.
I've been informed today I'm moving bathroom things, and yet more boxes that I'd pretended didn't exist.
I wish I didn't like expensive things.. otherwise I could live a sort of nomadic lifestyle with spartan living and few possessions, unfortunately I'm a shallow miserable creature that needs shiny baubles to remember why I work..
Back to the boxes..