Not quite the same ring to it. Come to think of it I dont think anybody has written any songs about Seattle. Hmm.
Anyway, it's Sunday. I've had a really miserable unproductive day. Nothing really bad has happened.. I missed speaking to my girlie this morning and I think that kind of set me off. I've been into Redmond town centre again. Yesterday I popped into Borders and sat with a cup of coffee and browsed through a load of books. Was great, had loads of ideas which is good because we've been asked to produce a 10 year technology forecast.. it's proving really interesting. However, couldnt get the same progress today. Borders was full of screaming children, the verizon and cingular shops didnt have the data cable we needed, and I couldnt find any decent vegetables in Larry's.
It's just been one of those days.. I wanted a typical Sunday like I have at home. Wake up with my girlie, have a nice lay in with tea, breakfast and trashy TV (Futurama DVD's are a sunday morning favourite).. then get up, go out for a bit, get back, cook a meal etc.
Despite M'colleague being here so I'm not on my own.. I actually feel very slightly lonely. Think it's because I want Vicky, kinda left me moping about for a bit. Sighing a lot.. etc.
Well.. soon be bed time. Stupid early starts every morning for fecking conference calls with miserable europeans.

Holy crap I'm turning into Steptoe..... aaaaaaaargggh.
All I ever do is complain.. and snipe.. bloody hell, I need happy pills!
If anybody has any suggestions on how I can cheer up despite the fact I have to stay here until November please... please.. answers on the back of a postcard. Better yet send money. Or alternatively become a global solutions manager for a big ICT company and then come and have my job so I can go home!