Caffine Caffeine Caffeine
My quest for the ultimate caffeine drink.. to find the one drink that can give me the shivers after just one drink continues. I may have to try Robusta coffee soon. In the meantime my experiments with the drinks continue:
SoBe Adrenaline

Dreadful. Bilge, utter bilge. I bought this from a tiny gas station of the 410 on the way through Mt Rainier National Park. I was feeling quite tired and wanted some swift energy kick to prep myself for wandering around mountains. This thing made my head hurt, had a dreadful taste (imagine somebody added something very bitter to Red Bull. Avoid like a (sorry, having trouble with corroborative nouns at the moment).

Lurrvely. This one now finds itself a close second to Bawls. Tastes a lot like liquid sherbert with a smooth gradual energy boost. Felt myself gradually waking up rather than a 10 minute spurt hyper session. No real obvious downers, felt more awake but hardly in the mood to run a marathon, or climb a mountain. Did taste very nice though, and has an absurd amount of Vitamin B6!